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Ashcroft's Programmed Instruction: Unified English Braille
Ashcroft’s Programmed Instruction: Unified English Braille (API:UEB) provides an efficient, learn-by-doing way to attain proficiency in braille and to develop confidence in using this valuable medium. The presentation of lessons in this book follows principles of programmed learning. These include realistic learning activities programmed in meaningful and manageable sequential increments and practice and review materials with immediate feedback to assure success and eliminate errors.
Companion Reader for Ashcroft's Programmed Instruction: Unified English Braille
The Companion Reader is supplementary reading material in Embossed Braille. It consists of reading exercises coordinated with Chapters 1-10 of Ashcroft’s Programmed Instruction: Unified English Braille. The book contains both individual and narrative passages and is specifically designed as an instructional tool. It helps build a solid foundation for each successive step in learning to use braille.
The Braille Enthusiast's Dictionary: Unified English Braille
The Braille Enthusiast’s Dictionary is a comprehensive, easy-to-use reference for those who work in any capacity with braille. Our goal in compiling and editing this book was to provide a definitive and authoritative source for determining which, if any, Unified English Braille (UEB) contractions are used in words when transcribing materials into braille.
Used in conjunction with The Rules of Unified English Braille 2013, this 578-page reference book will prove to be a helpful and handy tool to keep on your desk when a specific question arises that needs clarification.
Now Available in Embossed Braille Edition through the National Braille Association. See ORDERING Page.
Instructor's Manual for Ashcroft's Programmed Instruction: Unified English Braille
The Instructor’s Manual is designed as an introduction to each unit listing all new contractions, punctuation marks, composition signs, and other conventions of the braille code. It provides practice materials for each unit which may be used for extra practice in transcribing and/or reading. It shows student’s writing samples in ink-printed braille for practice in identifying errors in writing braille. There are two complete sets of contract tests and four versions of proficiency tests with answer keys for all tests in ink-printed braille. Also included are supplementary material and suggestions for organizing, teaching, and enriching a course. As an aid to instructors, there are also selected materials copy-ready.